I thank Mrs.Dinorah Rivas for indirectly inspiring me to make this web site!

"Your art work--- I have enjoyed your work in your web page very much. Beautiful and remarkable work! Congratulations!!
Robert A. Solera - Sat, 8 Jan 2005 10:49

María, otra vez me extasío recorriendo tu página web.  Gracias, Napoleon Lizardo 2/3/05 9:28 AM.
Felicitaciones por tu página personal y los materiales que has introducido en ella. Hablan de una alta sensibilidad e inclinación por la belleza...
y creatividad. Te deseo lo mejor y que continúes embelleciendo el mundo, que tanto nos hace falta.
Cordiales saludos Alberico Lecchini Journalist
María, eres en verdad una artista. Me dio mucho gusto visitar tu website.
Gilda Reyes  April 2, 2005
Hello Ms. Tuma, I checked out your website and I must tell you, you have amazing paintings along with all your other mutimedia art work.
Thank you for the invitation, it was a pleasure to visit. I hope that I may visit your art gallery soon.
Best wishes, Tania Duran - Artist
3/28/07 9:20 PM

: Bruce Hughes
"Be Still My Soul"

Cuban artist

pintura, fotografía




Paintings, sculptures

  COPY RIGHTS: We may seek damages against copyright infringers in amounts up to $150,000.00 per infringement, as permitted by  Section 504(c)(2) of the U.S. Copyright Act. Infringement includes not only exact   reproductions of our paintings,  but also the preparation of works that are derived from our paintings and   the distribution to the public of copies of our paintings.